This weekend just passed, Victoria in Australia has seen the most horrible and horrific of disasters, one not experienced here in modern times . It is hard to identify with what has been happening because to identify with the lessons to be learned from this experience, we need to delve into a situation of which it is easy to run and hide from. In our humble modern humanity there are those of us who still find it difficult to accept our vulnerability against the fury of the elements. And the flames were furious and many lives were lost. There are fires still burning.
Fingers are being pointed and many people want answers that may never come, but I guess from this singular perspective, I can only pray that if there was criminal intent, justice will be served.
For another perspective, Miranda Divine writes opinion for the Sydney Morning Herald and has raised the questions environmentalists will cringe to read, may indignantly defend or may pray that a balance can be found where we are not choosing between populations and vegetation density or our habitat. Particularly when we have been, and are from that habitat and many of our peers have now gone back to it's Earth element through those fires of havoc.
Lots of us have already given all the spare funds that we can, but if you can give still... here is the donation link for the Red Cross, you can also donate blood to help if you can (thnx bites)...
There are also many other items and general living things that may be called for such as:
The latest request for the bush fire victims
We have had an extremely sombre request today.
Wallan Community Centre has put out an urgent request for suits. These suits are for families who have lost relatives, and also their homes, and need them to attend their relatives’ funerals. Any shape and size of suit is fine.
If you have anything you would like to donate – please let me know.
Kind regards,
Kristin Flanagan
Events and Communications Coordinator / Special Projects
E: | P:(03) 8615 2266 | M: 0458 372 765
A: Level 2, 398 Lonsdale St, Melbourne, VIC, 3000 | W:
(thnx Melinda)
The good artists at RedBubble have also organised The Phoenix Appeal to raise more funds for the many many families and communities that require rebuilding...
Victoria's bushland and wildlife will feel the effects of these fires for the remainder of the century.
The Art Action Union extends it's thoughts and hopes to the victims and heroes, peace and love.
The entire north of Queensland has officially 'plunged' into flooding disaster status. Raining since January and with cyclones and king tides, it's been described as a downpour of "biblical proportions".
New Internationalist is a magazine with the bi-line, 'The people, the ideas, the action in the fight for global justice'.
Their website footer states: "New Internationalist (NI) workers' co-operative exists to report on issues of world poverty and inequality; to focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and the powerless worldwide; to debate and campaign for the radical changes necessary to meet the basic needs of all; and to bring to life the people, the ideas and the action in the fight for global justice."
It has a passionate feel and a definite yet subtle 'angstyness' about it, including aesthetic and appropriate design that is balanced by the obvious intelligence of the data encapsulated in the immediately recognisable stories of appeal.
The extra creatively activist angle is that they are currently looking for poetry to highlight the constant vigilance we keep for the prevalence of human rights around the world.
Rhymes for Rights - New Internationalist Magazine
Our Publications Team are busy compiling a human rights based poetry anthology with poets from around the world. The aim is to have a hundred poems from a hundred different poets. And we need your help! If you have a favourite poet or poem that you think might fit the bill, please email us your suggestions.
Interpret human rights in the broadest possible sense; we're not just after poetry of protest; affirmations are as valuable (and much harder to find) as complaints; translations are fine; poets should be fairly contemporary (ie 20th century to ones still alive); established names and unknowns equally welcome.
Please email your suggestions to:
Our Mission Statement:
+ to empower and gather activist artists together to broaden the appeal of communication of messages regarding important issues in society.
+ to promote and market our activities with a critical mass wherever possible to strengthen voice and communication of the message.
+ to ACTION issues as they arrive and when needed, but to also continually create awareness about social justice and topics that are always under scrutiny or are concerning to the artists.
+ to forge links with larger and more influential socially active community networks, in order to get exposure to coordinate with whatever we are needed for and to hopefully gain artists opportunities to get their ideas into the public arena through print, internet and ultimately traditional events such as exhibitions.
+ to stimulate awareness amongst our communities by actively acting collectively and artistically.
+ aspire to inspire.
Some specifically related info:
The Basics of Pro-Activist Art For Social Change
Terms and Conditions of Membership of the Art Action Union and our basic (very basic) Legal Disclaimer.
Visiting this page will take you to a list of Art Action Union directory links, this page is intended to be a quick guide to all the pages and networks and affiliations and groups where the Art Action Union (or I as your spokesperson) have a presence. There are still more to add but I would love to hear of more networks where art and activism are a major topic. If you know of any sites that we could sign up to with a view to awareness of the work that activist artists do, and that they need support with promotion (and yes financially too), please send me an email.
The AAU is many things, it can be a place of venting, a place of healing, an art gallery, a discussion forum. It is a collaboration in itself, and all the sites we add and spread our peace dove wings to, become part of that collaboration and the internet, be it an art site, a social networking site or whatever, is not only our canvas, but our voice and our medium for public ethics and morality to be called on in a continuous and diverse and fun and accessible way.
The artists of this collective are BRILLIANT!!! We have already accumulated a vast amount of intelligence and perspective and it just makes a big beautiful bowl of news and arts for me to write about. So for this section of our bumper news mail today - sit back and relax while I unearth some of the passionate people of our experiment.
Visual Fusion Collations:
shanghaiwu - is a digital fusion artist who is heavily influenced by her personal experiences in China and Japan, she lives in Australia.
Curious Comic Collations:
Mark Brumfield's eclectic and creative comic commentaries are inspiring, check out the shapes and vividness of colour contrasted with age old characters with quirky texts.
Audio Collations:
Find more music like this on The JB Seed
Mother Earth
Kate Watts and the Blue Ruins
Video Collations:
Kaisha (see her music too)
SORRY DAY 2008 to AUSTRALIA DAY 2009 ...
Victoria Morphy recently shared with us the experience of her first hand encounter with the momentous event that is known in Australia as "Sorry Day" with the Art Action Union. I thought it a cool idea on the Anniversary, to contrast the wonderful art that many members of the Art Action Union Group on Redubble shared with their audiences back on the 13th of February. It was an awareness campaign that was launched on the eve of the eve of the day, but brought forth a pouring of emotion and healing. Particularly for many people who haven't had the chance to express their regret in any other way previously. This is the blog article link, as we were in such infancy then, I don't have the collection I wished in the back catalogue, but I thought it right to retrospectively draw attention to the effort.
The JB Seed Arts Grants Program is taking submissions NOW! They have also started a forum ... oh look on Ning too... quite like ours for sharing and planting and cross-pollinating ... oh they are good with the Music stuff. :-)
Only 8 votes in our little crappy poll-for-fun, please join in the mayhem and click for a chance to push the boundaries of the universal institution that is collective consciousness ... for each click we receive your soul ... for keeping safe of course!!!
For the Stop the Alberta Tar Sands actions!
GAZA ...
A conversation I had on our Facebook Group not very long ago ...
Post #1
Bissan (Palestine) wrote on January 14, 2009 at 1:52am
What is your stand on Gaza and what is going on there.
Post #2
Kath wrote on January 14, 2009 at 9:17am
Hi Bissan, I think that the Israelies are not following any mandate of tolerance ...
it is a very messy war and i can't see resolution... my view is that israel should not invade their neighbours... and should take heed of the international pressure for them to STOP killing people... no matter who backs them...
my understanding is not overly comprehensive but it seems that after world war 2 simply carving out a nation by dividing up a number of existing borders in the middle of a tribal and ancient land was always a bad idea.
there are many displaced people's of the world... they didn't 'make' a country for the Kurds after Sadam invaded Kuwait in the Gulf Conflict...
however, Israel I believe must also act like the rest of the world when it comes to responsible immigration policy... if they haven't got the room people can't live there, jew or not!
We can work together Bissan and create and art project to bring awareness about this topic if you like...
The only other thing I can do is post links for petitions from Amnesty International, of which I was planning to do at some stage today.
Post #3
Bissan (Palestine) wrote on January 14, 2009 at 10:38am
I am very impressed and happy with your perspective.. it made my day.
The point I am going to make is
It is not a war about religion...
Palestine is a country for Jews, Muslims and Christians, it is the site for their holy locations..
so I will ask this: How can Zionists make it a Jewish country??
It is not just offensive to Muslims, it is also offensive to Christians and Jews themselves.
The Zionists have been ignoring the UN resolutions and etc for centuries, who do they think they are..
It is time the time to wake up.
Bissan Nohra is a young Palastinian woman who is studying in the US, she is deeply and personally passionate about raising awareness for the issues that are happening on the Gaza Strip. The conflict between Israel and Palastine which is ancient and difficult to fully interpret, but those living there understand it - they understand that they are innocent and they are being killed.
Palastina II
Let "US" Play War
We can support her by participating in the Gaza Awareness Campaign which will be launched soon ... watch out for a RedBubble Challenge and basically channeled campaigning ... you need to join with us and promote your work to your audiences, promote other people's work and generally talk about Gaza however and wherever you can. I know you will all put on your protest pants and be the Armchair Activists we all are. Won't ya!
Start thinking NOW about art, songs, videos, poetry, stories, articles, posters, pamphlets, t-shirts ... everything and anything to POSITIVELY promote a peaceful move forward for the families and children that are having their existence destroyed by this craziness.
Well Saturday's show is on Valentines day soooo ... being the women we are it's about love. That's LOVE not LUST (if we can separate the two) from as many angles as we can cover in the short time we've got!
Be serenaded by Jesse, Tian and moi (if you're lucky I will sing too) on Saturday in Brisbane between 2-3pm on 4zZz 102.1 fm Megaherzzz... it's a show by chicks about women's issues (of course, it's hard NOT to gossip about the blokes though ... ahem ... or complain ... or ... celebrate ... depends on the mood really ... and that's OUR prerogative right!)
GAWWWWDDDD.... WHAT A MOUTHFUL THAT WAS ... hope you got it all, and wrote notes ... now go forth and create!!!
Peace and Harmony on you!!!
:-) Kath and the decentralised gang
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