News and bits and pieces for your glorious knowledge...
Peace Sign Competition...
sugarpop is the managing editor of arabad magazine, Beirut – Lebanon... They are kicking out to the audience a celebratory competition offering cash prizes... the theme "Peace poster design contest at the occasion of the 50 years of the peace sign".
More information below...
flickr: www.flickr.com/groups/arabadpeace
blog: http://arabadvertising.blogspot.com
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=14760881596
Interesting Interviews of Interesting Interest
Just posted my latest interview with aid-worker/photographer Jacob Simkin...
1001 - Jacob Simkin Is In Afghanistan Interview
You may also enjoy... Chris Barker Interview
Facebook Stuff...
Art For Awareness Gift Application Update...
Since the release of the little Art For Awareness Facebook Gift Program the stats are (at last count):
Sent: 2073 times...
Total Users: 160...
I think this is a great effort for just over a week of circulation... and there has been more awareness of our groups, our action, our artists and our art brought forward, this group has swelled greatly with membership in recent weeks... You can still contribute art as a gift image if you wish, send a URL of your activist piece to me in a bubblemail...
Facebook Application _Art for Awareness_ Fan page
Group posts...
Been putting links up for anything relevant that casually comes my way about activism in the news and the arts, please feel free to contribute but I must stress relevance... thank you...
Facebook Art Action Union Group
The Gift of Art
A collective of photographer's that are promoting their effort through RedBubble and everywhere else possible to raise money for charity... Read it all here and see the artists involved and their charitable contributions...
Promotional Materials & Street Teams...
A few people have decided to add our banner...

{For information on how to insert images into your Redbubble profile click here}
... in their profile pages...
when there is more time to focus on pretty graphics, I will be making a whole heap of graphics, gifs and things for us to spread around the net like a virus.... in the meantime though, please feel 100% free to take this graphic and promote it wherever the hell you can...
The idea of having Art Action Union Street Teams is one I have been floating around for ages now... it basically involves recruiting dedicated active members to take these promotional tools and materials, all the web URL's, emails and newsletters and whatever other promotion you need or want, and start actively going to other sites to spread the word, sending it to friends and handing out pamphlets in the street... maybe we can even make merch and fundraise for something significant one day... ahhh a dream... but one worth sending you all anyway... If you are interested in petitioning for the Union as an active outlet and network for creative activism... please add your name to this list in the forums.
Orphans in North America
North American Artists need to take ACTION NOW to protect their property...
Read more from these contributions...
ORPHAN WORKS ACT?!!!!!?!? - justjason
April's Blog Announcement
Our Independent Protest Portal
And the exciting news is that, we are hopefully nearly at the end of the website project... just gotta get the stuff sorted better and then Faizan needs to do it... but he is doing it for free so please CONSIDER PURCHASING SOMETHING OF HIS WORK that would be lovely for him... but not till he finishes the site haa ha ha...
Find a glimpse of how it will look:
Art Action Union Website Sneak Peak
Lastly... some topics of interest for discussion in the forums
I wish there was oil in Zimbabwe
mohawk indians - land takeover?
Carbon Trading
All campaigns are always current (unfortunately)...
Aspire To Inspire!!!
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