Monday, September 22, 2008
Congratulations to cometman for winning the art action union freedom to create challenge on the redbubble site.
You can view all the entries here
Our New "Challenge!!!
Although the Oxfam Challenge is for painters only, we invite you to use your individual skills and talents in whichever medium you love to explore the same theme.
We want you to not only enter our Challenge here on RedBubble but enter it for
OXFAM... the details are below... when you make it... submit it here, there and everywhere...
Oxfam “Canvas for Change” (courtesay of VenusΨ on Heroine)
Oxfam is currently taking entries for the Canvas for Change exhibition. We encourage you to submit an artwork and to tell others about this project. There are various entry categories with the possibility for your artwork to be shown at the UN Climate Summit in Poland later this year, to be shown in other local exhibitions in Australia, or to be reproduced as a poster, postcard or other campaigning materials to help others See the bigger picture.
There are a couple of entry criteria, the key one being that artworks need to show the climate change impacts being felt by vulnerable communities in developing countries, or alternatively show how these communities are taking action to adapt to these impacts.
find out more
Australian Student Environmental Network and YOUR ART!!! (courtesay of Erland Howland)
The Australian Student Environment Network are a group of students and their sympathisers who are dedicated to providing education for the facilitation of activist workshops, meetings and action groups. They provide tools and lists of information to help people become skilled in activism and lobbying.
AAU member Erland, posted this last week... evidently, he is a sympathiser such as I (i.e. not actually a student).
The Australian Student Environment Network a great crew of environmental advocates from universities and schools across Australia are holding an art auction fundraiser on October 17 and they are looking for donations.
If you can provide an artwork, please contact me by BubbleMail or via my contact form here.
ASEN do a whole bunch of great work, from putting on the Students of Sustainability Conference each year (which is actually the largest annual environmental conference in Australia!), training high school kids and university students in climate change, facilitation and activism, and working with local indigenous people on campaigns like Uranium mining in the NT and the poisonous gold mining at Lake Cowal.
Next Facebook Art For Awareness Application Submissions
I am planning another adventure in the world of facebook virtual gifting for awareness, I assure you it's all for the messages...
This one will be themed for the ENVIRONMENT... so I will only be accepting images based on this theme. Submissions can be as simple or as complex as you like but must address the theme...
Please send ALL submissions to
Our current Art For Awareness application stats to date are...
Monthly Active Users
About Page Fans
Total Users
I wrote up some stats in the last mail if you are interested in comparing here.
Trees Are Homes has been sent 713 times which was great exposure and seeing some of the comments on the site has been invaluably amusing!
This is one way to send the ideas out further... trying to find others...
Video that's easy - for awareness if you like
One thing that I did find that has been fun is the powers of ... you can make a FREE 30 sec movie with no more than a few stills and a YouTube account...
I made one and added it to my YouTube Channel and the art action union community site and it was great fun... i uploaded a couple of photos, added a title and chose a piece of free music from their libray... the site then proceeded to mash it all together through some filters and the result was ACTIVE ART.
Enthused so much by it, I am now looking at making vids on and of my own... inspiring!
Aspire to Inspire!...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Our Network is Growing
Hello creative pro-activists!
Another update!
Our Network Is Growing Bigger!!!
You are all contributing to global positivity and awareness in so many beautiful and creative ways... so, in order to serve you better, myself and some other key investors are working very hard to provide you with a higher pedestal and a bigger soapbox. So keep making great art, tshirts and whatever it takes to move us to a conscientious world.
Some stats, 'cause they are always a really good visual pleaser!
The Art Action Union Network...
Redbubble Art Action Group the group that just constantly make stuff
377 members
Facebook Art Action Awareness Group the group that brings new recruits and promotes our activities
91 members
Facebook Art For Awareness Gift Application a little program where you can send artistic gifts from artists who receive exposure along with the messages
363 total users (current people with the application installed on their pages)
4800 sent items
198 monthly active users
15 about page fans (including 2 reviews)
Art Action Union Community where we have convergence
59 members
441 images
25 videos
20 audios (songs and spoken word)
25 active forums
12 groups
... and counting!
We are also spreading our wings wherever it be relevant with memberships to activist groups, art groups etc. I list forums in the weirdest of places... hee he...
This is always expanding...
In the beautiful future, we will have everything of our own... the site is being expanded in concept and soon we hope to have a hugely integrated dedicated and independent site... ideas that we float around are community functions, a gallery for images/sound/video, forums, and a wiki contribution for articles and education.
A massive artistic web collaboration for action... lovin' it!
Other stuff...
AAU Beach Clean in Sopporo, Japan
Over the weekend just past, the Art Action Union was involved in it's first environmental event to date... a beach cleanup in Sopporo Japan, organised by my friend and intellectual investor Barry (you can see his amazing photography at
As soon as I hear what went on and see some photos, I'll let you know of it's success...
Exhibition Opportunities of the Future
I hope to add to the plethora of services that the AAU offer their artists and supporters in the future by forging links with other organisations and the business sector... one such hope was floated on Friday when I met with a group who wanted to discuss with me the prospect of the Art Action Union assisting them with sourcing artists from the Asia Pacific region for exhibitions and artist talks at key business convergence events to aid in the understanding of the arts culture and business integration of this region... if you have heritage of the Asia Pacific (or are heavily influenced by it in your art) and may be interested, I have no time frame, but would love to add you to my database ( talent scout I am now!!!
This will hopefully go out through the email this week or so, but there is still time to add yourself to our mailing list... send me a request to subscribe at
happy days...